Practice Areas

Agrarian Law
Civil Litigation
Commercial Litigation
International Commercial Arbitration
International Judicial Cooperation
Real Estate

Agrarian Law

The Firm advises clients on a diversity of issues in agrarian law. Services include conducting ejido general meetings, carrying out consultations with indigenous populations in accordance with national and international regulation, and performing administrative proceedings and formalities before various institutions of the agrarian regime.

Vivanco Moreno Abogados has also extensive experience representing clients in obtaining rights of use over ejido property. Some of the services provided in this regard include deep analysis of the legal situation of ejido-type properties, negotiation proceedings, regularization of the legal situation of ejido properties, and the documentation of the legal actions required for acquisition of rights.

Moreover, our Firm has experience advising and representing clients in dispute resolutions related to ejido lands, either through negotiation methods, or before agrarian courts throughout the country. Vivanco Moreno Abogados also conducts due diligence processes on a variety of agrarian issues.


Vivanco Moreno Abogados counsels and represents clients in bankruptcy proceedings (concurso mercantil). Some of the different services provided related to this area include counsel and representation of individuals and corporations in their application for bankruptcy declaration seeking to restructure liabilities that may exist to maintain the financial viability of the merchant. Likewise, the Firm represents merchants whose financial situation has forced them to declare bankruptcy, in order to close a certain business area in an orderly manner and in accordance with applicable legislation.

Furthermore, Vivanco Moreno Abogados advises and represents creditors of merchants who have opted to file for bankruptcy so that they can recover their receivables as best as possible, and/or separate assets from the bankruptcy estate.

Civil Litigation

The Firm provides counsel and representation services in various areas of civil law. Some of those areas in civil law where Vivanco Moreno Abogados has extensive experience include: inheritance law, litigation related to possession rights, ownership and leasing of real estate, contractual and non-contractual civil liability, moral damages, mortgage actions, easements/rights of way.

Commercial Litigation

Vivanco Moreno Abogados advises and represents clients in the resolution of complex disputes arising from commercial and business contexts before state and federal courts. The Firm's services in this area include, among other matters, preventive advice on performance of commercial contracts and representation in legal proceedings related to an eventual breach of such contracts. Likewise, the Firm also represents clients in disputes relating to the enforcement of bonds, asset recovery, corporate disputes, and disputes relating to the international sale of goods.


The Firm advises and represents both public and private sector clients in energy projects. In this particular practice area, Vivanco Moreno Abogados represents clients during all stages, from negotiation with individuals and ejidatarios in issues related to acquisition of rights of way, real estate, and rights of use for the implementation of energy projects. Once negotiations are completed, the Firm also prepares necessary contracts and agreements to adequately document acquisition of real estate and/or rights and, if necessary, it regularizes the legal status of real estate related to energy matters.

Furthermore, the Firm carries out managerial work and processing of all licenses and permits required for the start-up of energy projects before relevant institutions and authorities.

Our team is highly experienced conducting due diligence processes related to energy projects in order to determine compliance with regulations. These due diligence processes may include, among others, review of preliminary works, legal status of the relevant real estate, analysis of lawsuits pertaining to such aspects. 

Vivanco Moreno Abogados offers extensive experience in counseling and representing clients before courts and arbitration tribunals in disputes arising from energy projects.

International Commercial Arbitration

Vivanco Moreno Abogados advises and represents clients in both domestic and international commercial arbitrations in various industries, including construction, energy, and telecommunications. The Firm also represents clients in judicial proceedings for assistance in arbitration proceedings, in recognition and enforcement of national and international arbitration awards if there is no voluntary compliance, as well as in matters related to the annulment of arbitration awards.

International Judicial Cooperation

Vivanco Moreno Abogados provides advisory and representation services to foreign clients in the execution of any procedural act that needs to be conducted in Mexico pursuant to the international conventions to which Mexico is a party and, if applicable, in accordance with applicable national legislation. Some of the procedural actions that could be executed in Mexico where the Firm is able to assist include service of process to persons residing in Mexico to lawsuits filed abroad, production of evidence, and the enforcement of foreign judgments, among many others.

In addition, the experience and specialization of the Firm’s members enables them to issue opinions as experts on Mexican law to be filed in arbitration and judicial proceedings instituted abroad.


Vivanco Moreno Abogados makes use of mediation to resolve client’s controversies, given that, depending on a specific case, at times it becomes more advisable to follow mediation procedures before certified mediators, than to resolve disputes before judicial or arbitration courts.

Also, the Firm counsels and represents its clients in the enforcement of breached mediation agreements, which for example in certain entities such as Mexico City, have the legal character equivalent to final judgment.

Real Estate

Vivanco Moreno Abogados offers counseling services to clients on all issues pertaining to real estate. Our expertise includes legal advice for acquisition and leasing of real estate for general and specific purposes, such as public and private infrastructure, commercial real estate, and housing projects. This support goes beyond legal support with transactions, to encompass particular client needs, such as negotiation on behalf of clients and preparation of all necessary contracts. Likewise, the Firm performs due diligence for all matters regarding the legal situation of real estate and takes on work pertaining to regularization of any issues that may arise with individuals and public agencies.

Vivanco Moreno Abogados

Mexico City

Av. Insurgentes Sur 700, Piso 9, Ciudad de México.
Phone. + 52 (55) 8978


Sierra Nevada 223
Aguascalientes, Ags.
Phone. +52 (449) 300 9811
